Big Song capital of Kaifeng, so two days to play on the right

Kaifeng is a prefecture-level city of Henan Province, the Eight Dynasties ancient capital, one of China's six ancient capitals

Although we were born in the ancient city and grew up in the ancient city, we still could not help but want to experience such things as "Qixia Mingxia Wufeng House, Yimen ancient imperial state", "Bijing rich world", "Tokyo Menghua" etc. The ancient city of Kaifeng reputation.

About Kaifeng

Kaifeng history
Kaifeng, referred to as 汴, is a prefecture-level city of Henan Province, the Eight Dynasties ancient capital, one of China's six ancient capitals, the State Council announced the first batch of national historical and cultural city, carrying a thick history and culture, with "heritage rich, urban pattern Long, the ancient city rich in style, the unique northern city unique four characteristics, so far has more than 4,100 years of history of the city and the history of the capital, known as the ancient capital of the Eight Dynasties. Central city of Kaifeng "five lakes and four rivers" around the distribution, known as the "northern water city," said. Kaifeng cultural landscape and natural beauty each other, is China's outstanding tourist city, China Chrysanthemum city, Chinese calligraphy city, with the national AAAA above tourist attractions in 8, the national key cultural relics protection units in 19.

Kaifeng must visit attractions One of
the eight ancient capitals of China, the attractions are based on the Song Dynasty cultural relics, mainly in Kaifeng House, the Grand National Temple, Longting, Qingming River Park, Tower Park, Drum Tower attractions mainly urban small, Not far from the attractions attractions can choose to walk, you can also take the human tricycle, the price of 5 yuan to 20 yuan, the owner is a tour guide, will tell you a lot of Kaifeng story.

On food
characteristics Famous dishes: Kaifeng Guan Tangbao, carp noodles, sets of four treasures, broth Dongpo meat, white pickled tofu, Luzhu yellow tube, fried eight, a duck eat three, steamed sheep and so on.
Snacks: Guan Tang buns, buckets chicken, fried sweet potato mud, peanut cake, yellow stewed fish, lamb kang, fried jelly, almond tea.

About transportation

City direct: from the train station by bus can also take the Kaifeng sightseeing tour car, because Kaifeng tourist attractions and more concentrated in the urban area, the attractions are close to riding the human tricycle, human master will tell you about Kaifeng History, the general price of 3 to 10 yuan, is also very convenient rich fun travel and transportation.
Expressway: Kaifeng to Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Sanmenxia, ​​Shangqiu highway connected to the north via Zhengzhou accessible Xinxiang, Anyang until Beijing; south accessible Xuchang, Luohe, Zhumadian until Shenzhen. Kaifeng Expressway entrance from the urban area of ​​10 minutes.
Railway: The main railway crossing western China - Longhai Railway passes through Kaifeng Station. By Kaifeng Railway Station can reach Shanghai, Beijing, Lianyungang, Qingdao, Xi'an, Xining, Urumqi and other places. Kaifeng 70 kilometers away from Zhengzhou, 150 kilometers away from Shangqiu, which transit through the Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Kowloon Railway up to all parts of the country.
Civil Aviation: Kaifeng to Xinzheng Xuedian International Airport in Zhengzhou near the distance of 70 km, opened to Zhengzhou Xuedian Expressway mileage of 85 axils, about 55-75 minutes drive. Zhengzhou Xinzheng Airport opened up major domestic cities routes, and Hong Kong, Bangkok have regular charter flights.

Grand National Temple

Daoxiangguo Temple, formerly known as Jianguo Temple, is located in the western section of Liberty Road in Kaifeng City. It is a famous Buddhist temple in China. It contains monuments such as the Temple of Heaven, the Main Hall, the Temple of Star anise, the Tripitaka and thousands of eyes. Clock tower memory Qing Dynasty about four meters high giant bell, weighing more than ten thousand pounds, a "phase frost bell," said one of Kaifeng eight. August 1992 restoration of Buddhist activities, rehabilitation bell, Drum Tower and other buildings. The whole temple layout rigorous, majestic spectacular, in 2002 was assessed as the national AAAA-class tourist attractions. At the beginning of the New Year, the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival will be held in the Grand Country Temple. In the autumn of October, with the opening of the Kaifeng City Chrysanthemum Flower Fair, the Daxiangguo Temple will host the annual Land and Water Law Association, pray for a bumper grain harvest, a thriving business, a prosperous nation and a peaceful world.
Opening hours: 8: 00-18: 30
1, adult tickets: 45 yuan
2, student tickets: 23 yuan (1.4 meters and above)

Shan-Shan-Gan Hall

Shan-Shan-Gan Hall is located in the northern side of Xufu Street, Longting District, Kaifeng City, Henan Province
Opening Hours: Summer 8: 00-18: 30, Winter 8: 00-17: 00, Ticket Price: 25RMB.

Basilica eaves on both sides of the Erlongxizhu, Phoenix peony, carved the most exciting. Cang Dragon clouds fog, the Phoenix wings to fly. Fauceous first leader prominent in the picture, into the air. Carving workers are ingenuity to take the technique of Yuandiao (civilly known as hanging), so that the dragon and phoenix styling to adapt to multi-angle appreciation, this technique makes the Dragon and Phoenix more three-dimensional, rhythmic sense of jumping sense.
The architectural style of the Shan-Shek-Gan-Gan Hall is distinctive and elegant. In particular, its brick, woodcarving and stone carving skills are of varied forms and rich in content with a wide range of topics, making it one of the "three musts" in Guild Hall, showing a simple and beautiful, bold and graceful , Rough and exquisite, calm and smooth perfect unity, fully reflects the creator's aesthetic taste and creative ability, reflects the style of the times and the Central Plains and Shanxi-Shaanxi-Gansu regional integration of culture.

Must not spend money wasted, although there is a free tour guide to explain, but must not spend innocent incense money! ! ! This is mainly to see wood carving!

Kaifeng House

Kaifeng House is located in Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Bao Gongdong Lake North Shore, the national AAAA level scenic spots. Opening hours: 07:00 ~ 19:00, ticket price: 60.00 yuan. Many historical celebrities such as Kou Zhun, Fan Zhongyan, Bao Zheng, Ouyang Xiu and so have served as "Kaifeng House" Yin. In particular, Bao Zheng Ren "Kaifeng House" when Yin, selfless, law enforcement as the mountains, package Long Tu Fu Zheng Quxie, just, reputation spread in ancient and modern.

In the form of architecture, Kaifeng house built in accordance with the "create a French style" of the Northern Song Dynasty Li Jie, structured layout, solemn elegant, tall roof, fine painting, embodies the Song Dynasty architectural style. It is the gate, the gate, the main hall, the Office of the hall, plum hall as the axis, supplemented by days of celebration, the Ming Court, Qianlong Palace, Qingxin House, prison, British House, Yin Hotel more than 50 seats, Building, according to the different contents of the exhibition, generally divided into nine pavilions:
1, to the door, drumming, ring, lobby, etc. as the theme of Fu culture area;
2, Of the Bao Zheng legendary cultural area;
3, Tai Chi gossip Taiwan, Sanqing Temple as the theme of the Taoist culture area;
4, to the prison, prison as the theme of the prison culture area;
5, As the theme of the education of imperial civilized cultural area;
6, to Ying Wu floor, the school as the theme of the entertainment arts district;
7, with Qing Xin Lou as the subject of Fu Yin cultural and cultural area;
8, Song Taizong, Song Zhenzong Qianlong Palace Emperor Cultural District;
9, Fan Gongge, Qu Qiao, Mirror Lake, Crescent Moon Hill as the theme of leisure and cultural district

Baogong Lake

On the way to package Ancestral Hall we walk along the coast of the lake, due to the reasons for the winter, the picture is not good-looking.
Baogong Lake is Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Lake, located in the Song Dynasty city wall, in the southwest corner of the ancient city. The entire lake presents a northwest - southeast trend, like a reclining gourd, west of the central West across the lake - Yingbin Road, southwest of Baogong Lake Road.

Package Ancestral Hall

Bao Gong Ancestral Hall is located in the Baogong Lake - Bao Gongxi Lake West Bank, opening hours: 07: 00 ~ 19: 00, ticket price: 20.00 yuan
to commemorate the history of the Chinese nation Song Cheng Cheng Bao Cheng, the prime minister, has a large collection of historical relics Bao Zheng.
For the national AAAA level tourist attractions.
Bao Ancestral Hall by the main exhibition area, park area and functional service area features three parts. The main exhibition area includes the main hall, the second hall, the hall of worship, the corridors, the tablet pavilion, the main entrance and the second entrance, displaying the bronze statue of Gong Bao,

Recommend everyone to look at the second house! The second hall has a packet of stone carved a piece of rubbings, vivid lines vivid vivid, vivid reproduction of Bao Gong's grace. Even more touching is the legacy of Baogong, a family motto: "Later generations Shih Hsuan who have stolen, may not be allowed to go home; after death, may not be buried in the Great Tomb. Not from my blog, non-my grandchildren . "More fully embodies the noble virtues of enamored, honest and obedient citizens, and the unselfish spirit of hating corrupt officials.

Big Song Yuhe

Grand Song Yuhe location is located in Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Baogongsi, West Division, Qi Sheng Kok, Beijing pier
opening hours Day 09: 00-17: 30 Night Tour: 18: 00-21: 30
Ticket prices: Day trip 35 Roundtrip 50 nights 60 one-way trip from 80 to 80;
Famous Attractions: Collection Park, Spring Garden, Summer Yam Park, Autumn Yun Park, Winter Park Park.
The project was started in 2006 and started operation in May 2013 with an investment of about 600 million RMB and a total length of 1.9 km. It runs through two major scenic spots of Longting Lake and Baogong Lake in Kaifeng City, including Western Division, Bao Gong Temple and Longting Lake III A pier. Beautiful scenery, deep culture, in Kaifeng water system in the pivotal position.

West night market

Western night market favorite night market locals also called Dingjiao Street Night Market, is a five hundred or six hundred meters snack street, be regarded as the second largest night market Kaifeng. Although there is no lively Drum Tower, but Kaifeng locals favorite places to come next to the Baogong Lake, the summer hair in the lake to eat the night market is also very cozy. Kaifeng eat night market to eat more people know, this is a legend to eat crazy goods to children, inexpensive, rich variety. And there are a few or set up stalls have twenty or thirty years of old stalls, if you find a prospective to eat the real Kaifeng old flavor.
Address: Baogu Lake West Road Dingjiao Street (outsiders, then the best fight to go, or by 10, 8 and other bus to get off West Division Square)

Almond tea: Almond tea is a delicacy brought to the public by the court. It uses refined almond powder as the main material, brewed in boiling pot of Longfeng copper pot, mixed with almonds, peanuts, sesame, rose, sweet-scented osmanthus, raisins, medlar, cherry, sugar and other more than ten kinds of seasonings. Bright color, pure fragrance, is nourishing lures share.
Because dare to time, the weather is cold, so there is no bowl Sheng, the cup is still very convenient!

Net red shop ~ eggs Aberdeen

Mutton kang, mutton kang is Kaifeng unique Halal food, Kaifeng night market is also the most popular food, lamb kang only chopped cabbage and fresh lamb, add some peppers, add some suet, in a single cake Very delicious.

Ching Ming on the river

Qingming River Park is located in the northwestern corner of the ancient city of Kaifeng, Longting West Road, Longting District, Kaifeng City, Henan Province,
opening hours: 09: 00 ~ 22: 00, ticket price: 100 yuan / person (full price tickets) The number of people (half-price tickets)
is the first national AAAAA-level tourist attractions and China Intangible Cultural Heritage Base.
Is based on the Song Dynasty Zhang Zeduan's name "Qingming Riverside" as the base, according to "create a French" as the standard of construction, to the Song Dynasty city culture, folk customs, royal gardens and ancient entertainment as the theme, to experience the characteristics of tourists cultural theme park .
The large-scale Song folk customs amusement park that recreates the original landscape of the original image reproduces the scenic spots of the ancient capital Bijing for thousands of years.

Into the park, there is a tour guide on the left hand side, remember to take a copy of the above map and show the garden time, especially comprehensive!

The park covers an area of ​​510 acres, the main building Shing Mun House, Hong Qiao, Street View, shops, rivers, docks, Ferry and so on. According to the original layout of "Qingming Riverside Plan", the park will focus on the production of the Song Dynasty such as restaurants, tea houses, pawnshops, embroidery, official porcelain, New Year paintings and other live production; gather folk entertainment, juggling, drums performances;
every day at nine o'clock in the morning, The park must be held on the opening ceremony.
Daily scheduled shows: Bao Gong Yingbin, Yang Zhi sell knife, Lin Chong anger high Yanei, Liangshan hero hijacking car, Yan Qing beating, Li Shishi arts will love son, Wang outside the aunts, Song folk wedding, chime bells and horses, equestrian , Qigong unique skills such as more than 20.

Night large-scale party "Tokyo Dream Huashin" program, it is worth everyone to watch, visitors can be changed for the Song equipment, hand-held Song currency, ancient customs of life experience.
The newly opened Qingming River Park Phase II project reflects the magnificent Song Dynasty imperial garden architecture, the evening of the "Big Song · Tokyo Dreamland" large-scale special scene of water live Song and Dance Symphony.

From Ching Ming on the river walk out to John Park

John Park

Han Yuan Beilin, China is located at the west bank of Longting Lake in Kaifeng. Opening hours: 08:00 ~ 18:00, Ticket price: 40.00 yuan.
Is Kaifeng City, China Senior Painting and Calligraphy Research Association of self-financing Li Gongtao, founded in 1985 to start.
This is the first largest private monument in China history.
In 2005 was named the national AAAA level scenic spots, the main attractions are: Mount Yangshan, John Park Hill, Wencui Shan, Huaguoshan, Panlong and so on.

Tian Yang House

Tianbo Yangfu new site was built in 1994, is located in Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Longting Lake Scenic Area, is a collection of lakes and mountains, history and culture and the Song Dynasty buildings in one of the major private gardens for the national AAA-level scenic spots. Is the Northern Song Dynasty anti-Liao ethnic hero Yang Ye's mansion, located in the Song Dynasty capital Tokyo (now Kaifeng City) northwestern corner of the city, Tian Bo door next to the Jinshui River, hence the name "sky Yang House."
Unanimous: $ 30, half-price ticket: 15 yuan
scenic Opening hours: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (spring, autumn and winter), 7:30 am to 6:30 pm (summer)
because of loyalty to serve the country industry Yang, Yang The generation of loyalty, Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi love its upright, not exaggerated flattery character, 天 Tianbo Men's Jinshui River built Wufu a, give money five million cover "breeze towering Tianbo drip floor," and personally Yu Shu "sky wave House" plaque. Is a large imitation Song buildings, construction specifications at that time was a Yibin military attache level was built, and Yang Yifeng Fengtai Daido and Datong Dadu made the official position consistent with the East Palace of the Six Dynasties Longting scenic spot, west of the Ching Ming River Park, is A typical imitation Song classical garden architecture, from Yang house Ya, Yang Garden, play ground three parts.

Longting Park

Longting Park is located in the northwestern corner of the ancient city of Kaifeng, is a national AAAA-class tourist attractions.
Opening hours are 7: 00-19: 00, ticket price: 50.00 yuan (each year in October will be 55.00 yuan chrysanthemum).
We mainly looked at Longting Basilica, Longting Basilica high 26.7 meters, 13 meters high base, facing north; east and west sides of each of the eight North Korea, and the main hall formed a complete court courtyard, which built China's first large Song Dynasty Wax Museum, the image is very spectacular!
Botanical garden, bonsai garden is known as the Central Plains a unique plant modeling and promenade water pavilion and other garden landscape.
We probably play time is 40 minutes.

Long live the martial arts city Song Da Song

Long live martial arts martial arts city Great Song martial arts city is located in the northwestern part of the ancient city of Kaifeng, adjacent to the Longting Lake Scenic Area covers an area of ​​500 acres, is a song culture, city wall culture and the Seven Dynasties culture as the core landscape to the Great Song martial arts Culture as a tourist feature, the natural style of the forest, both the entertainment and entertainment features multi-theme, multi-landscape large tourist area.
The main attractions are: Kowloon waterfall, rivers and lakes Street, Dragon altar, Long live the temple. We have taken time just to catch up with the temple fair. According to the locals, temple festivals are held every year from the first to the 16th of the first month.
All previous temples became a symbol of Kaifeng Spring Festival tourism activities, and was hailed as "China's most charming temple fair" and "the most valuable temple Fair in the Central Plains"

Tower Park

Tower Park is located in the northeast corner of the ancient city of Kaifeng, North Gate Street, Kaifeng City, 210 North Gate
Tickets Price: 40.00 yuan / person (students and active service half price), Dengta 35 yuan / person. 70-year-olds free admission
opening hours: 09: 00 ~ 20: 00
covers an area of ​​51.24 hectares, is one of China's 100 famous gardens, the national AAAA level scenic spots.
Tower Park is best to buy night tickets, climbing tower charge 35 yuan,

Bookstore Street

Kaifeng Bookstore Street Book Lane Street is located in the bustling commercial district of downtown Kaifeng, a total length of 620 meters, 19 meters wide, south from the Drum Tower Square, north to East Street, Kaifeng ancient city is a typical street history, is the only one not Built the historical streets.
Kaifeng Bookstore Street is one of the two ancient streets in the world that is famous as the Kanda Book Street in Tokyo, Japan. Of course, the bookstore is not the only one in the bookstore, but the rich and thick cultural atmosphere of the bookstore, the leisurely and elegant The ancient charm, but it is in any other place can not taste.
Variety is still operating books, cultural handicrafts and four treasures of the main store gathered in the rich cultural atmosphere, is the city's most prosperous business district, Bookstore Street Kaifeng is the only better to maintain the historical style of the street, it is connected with Drum Tower Street, Street, Temple Street together constitute the bustling and lively center of the ancient city.

Bookstore Street is a microcosm of Kaifeng vicissitudes of change, the vicissitudes of history after a turmoil, a strong human heritage, in the sunshine of the sunshine in the fall, suddenly remembered "to what is appropriate, profile and death words. Round "words, bustling, is the past, 汴 beam gradually lonely in the years, but it is still Kaifeng, when the city in the Chrysanthemum full of the ancient capital of the color of the Empire; that a lot of people will go after walking Dream around the town.


Daoxiangguo Temple - Shanxian Gan Hall - Kaifeng House - Baogong Lake - Bao Gong Temple - Song Song River - West Division Night Market
Qingming on the river - Han Park, China - Tianbao Yang House - Long Ting Park - Long live the mountain · Large Song Wu Xia - Tower 🗼 Park - Bookstore Street

Kaifeng for the ancient capital, individuals really recommend everyone to play.
1. Kaifeng in September, it is daisy blossom, presumably the scene will be particularly spectacular.
2. To the attractions, someone will give you a bracelet, remember not to take, he will think you ask for money, though not expensive, but such a thing will make people uncomfortable.
3. Each attraction is very close, traffic is convenient, but also cheaper, before you ride a good price. To avoid causing unpleasant.
4. Their specialty can be bargain.

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