Emei What are worth watching the party? In addition to changing Sichuan Opera pot there to eat

Like Emei leisure, take a deep breath in Mount Emei, Qingxin Yangfei; Experience the Buddha culture, nourishing and repair; bubble cup of Emei snow, overflowing tea; , Rolling lights, stick puppet, Emei's mood should be savored.
spit fire show

Emeishan night, a Sichuan opera song and dance party

Mentioned Mount Emei, we are mostly on foot hiking, looking for the ancient path of Zen. Mountain fresh air, negative oxygen ion content, climbing exercise more beneficial physical and mental health. Emei mountain was multi-level state, there are steep, flat, curved, urgent, slow, climbing in the forest, stop and go, while climbing, while deep breathing, while viewing, do not have fun. Emei beauty can not only in the scenery, Emei Shan food is unique. One of the most distinctive hot pot Sichuan Opera and dance party , Shabu pot at the same time, but also enjoy the face, spit fire, ceiling lamps and martial arts performances.

First, Emei Shanchuanhua dance party what are the characteristics?

1. Face, spit fire is stunt

Sichuan opera dome light, rolling light, spit fire and face wonderful skills make people feast for the eyes. These incomparable precious intangible cultural heritage, these once the most common craft in the artificial intelligence era seem trivial but so commendable. Change face puppet face, women face a variety of other. Sichuan opera in the ceiling and face to win the most applause, humorous style of performance won the hearts and minds.

Emei martial arts

Emei martial arts is the essence of 2500 years of cultural accumulation of Mount Emei, its characteristics are: hardness and softness, internally and externally. Since ancient times and Shaolin, Wudang tied for the three schools of Chinese martial arts, open stick is a kind of hard Qigong Emei martial arts. Today, as the Cold Weapon era drifts away, martial arts may be more like a heroic dream in our hearts. The sound and light efficiency stage created with high technology always brings the audience into the fantastic Emei martial arts atmosphere. "Child Gong" is a wonderful flower in Emei martial arts.

Emei martial arts

3. See Sichuan Opera, as well as hot pot to eat

Emei Shan has a very chic show, you can eat hot pot while watching Emei Kung Fu party . Tongzong Gong, Emei sword, kung fu tea, Sichuan acrobatics and other exciting programs, are enjoying the food at the same time slowly appreciate.

Second, Emei What are the party?

1. "Emei impression"

The Emei Kung Fu Legend is divided into "Eulogize", "Emei Qixia", "Emei Kung Fu Tea", "Pigeon Rolling Lamp", "Emei God of Merit", "contestant", "Emei Kung Fu face" and " Jin Yong Quxia "eight sessions. To Emei Wushu as the main element throughout the party, at the same time Sichuan unique Sichuan Opera, face, tea and other stunts. The whole party is intended to use the existing high artistic standards, but also in line with the modern, especially the appreciation of the habits of tourists and the repertoire, so that the climax of the evening after another, brilliant.
Venue: No. 55 Xiuhu Avenue, Emeishan City, Sichuan Province
Theater Time: 18:30 every night Performance time is about 1 hour 30 minutes
Ordinary seats: listing price of 180 yuan / person 
VIP seats: listing price of 280 yuan / person

2. "Elephant Emei"

"Emei Elephant" large-scale scene of music and dance poetry and painting tourism and culture party, Emei Shan nature and culture, tradition and art clever combination of the use of music and dance poetry and painting art form, to Chinese and foreign tourists to show a beautiful, magnificent and pole Rich cultural taste Danqing picture. Let visitors appreciate the rich local characteristics of the art show, taste the unique folk customs of Sichuan, Emei landscape in the quiet reproduction of the exquisite, in the elegant to enjoy the fun of tourism and culture!
The performance is divided into seven parts, namely: Magic, Elegance, Spirit, Shu, Gang, Dream, Zen
Performance Venue: Da Fo Buddhist Temple in Emeishan City, Sichuan Province The Great Wall Theater of Xiangcheng City
Time: 20:10 every night Performance time is about 1 30 hours
ordinary seats: listing price 200 yuan / person 
VIP seats: listing price 280 yuan / person 

Third, Mount Emei how to play?

Eat hot pot, read the show, how to play the beauty of Mount Emei, I also give some advice. Mount Emei has four must: sunrise, sea of ​​clouds, Buddha light, holy lamp, which is enough to become the biggest reason to come Mount Emei, the other here spring with rhododendron azaleas, summer is a summer resort, autumn foliage gorgeous leaves, winter dreams of ice and snow.

1. Watch the sunrise, sea of ​​clouds, Buddha light, holy lamp - Golden Summit

Top of the top, far away to see million Buddha top. Wanfo Ding is the highest peak of Emei, is also one of the best places to watch the Emei four superb view, there Wanfo Pavilion, Rhododendron Alpine, Black Bear ditch, fairy turned back and other attractions. There is a strange mysterious and magnificent sky in Emei Shan, looking up to the vast sky in the golden dome, feeling so near, sky stars, as if to reach out to catch one. The whole person is completely in it, forgetting the land at the foot of it, as if suspended in the arms of the interstellar. You will find that your breath is Vatican singing, pulsating beats, the body is a temple, both ears is Bodhi, everywhere is quiet.
Ps: Jinding from the Mid-level there are two ways:
one: climbing, lasted at least 4 hours up the mountain;
2: cableway, from 120 yuan, only about ten minutes.

Intimate contact with the monkey - Emei Ecological Monkey District

Located in Hong Chun Ping, Qingyin Pavilion on the "first-line days," is currently China's largest natural wild monkey area. In the mountain tourist center or Lei Dongping scenic car ride off at the Wannian Temple, within walking distance. There is also a monkey area on the way from Lei Dongping to the access temple, but there are fewer monkeys, not every time.

3. Bless the Holy Land - reported Temple

Pagoda Temple is the first temple Mount Emei, Emei Buddhist Association is located, is the center of Mount Emei Buddhist activities. The temple is a typical courtyard building, covering more than 60 acres, a scene of a hospital, layers of depth. Every year many people come here to pray. Tickets: 8 yuan / person.

Fourth, Emeishan can play this season in different seasons

Emei four seasons travel calendar

Emeishan no matter what the season has a different view, such as:
April-May Leidongping all over the mountains are flaming rhododendron;
June-September Qing Ping Pinghu quiet and cool, but also summer summer resort. ;
October, to the zero-kilometer parking lot on both sides of the road to make stained storied highway, sitting in the car will be able to enjoy the red maple forest;
December-March, Mount Emei a silver package, skiing and hot springs is the best time Enjoyment

2 two-day route recommended

In general, go to Mount Emei is a short trip, two days a weekend can play very comfortable. However, there are also Leshan Giant Buddha with the popular attractions of Mount Emei . The two are very close and are also worth a visit.


Tour Emei Mountain, not only to Jinding one play, you can take the Mid-levels some upset temples, you can also eat a hot pot, take a look Emei characteristics of the song and dance party, in the steam pot feel comfortable Sichuan life.

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