Hunan travel

Ancient Town
Fenghuang ancient city: Mr. Shen Congwen border town
Fenghuang ancient city, because of Shen Congwen's novel "border town" is famous all over the world. The ancient city of Qing Shiban streets, waterfront wooden structure stilts floor, many ancient buildings, as well as a strong Miao style, constitute the Phoenix unique flavor.
Ancient Town
Do not miss the night of the ancient city of Phoenix
You can miss the ancient city of Fenghuang during the day, but do not miss the night of the ancient city of Fenghuang! Phoenix night, is the hazy beauty of this town is not easy to be aware of the surprise! In Phoenix journey, as long as you experience the night of Phoenix, you can encounter a different Phoenix beauty!
Ancient Town
Winter, be sure to look at the ancient city of Phoenix wrapped in silver
Phoenix has been very fire, very lively, so many honeycomb Tucao Phoenix too commercial, in fact, the phoenix also has a quiet time, that is, Phoenix's tourism off-season, from the end of October until March are Phoenix Tourism Off-season, that is off-season does not mean that does not mean that no one to travel, but relative to the crowded season, a lot less people, a variety of costs are relatively much cheaper!
Ancient Town
Local people finishing the ancient city of Phoenix play, it is worth collecting!
Many people mentioned that go out to play, say no time, in fact, have a long time have a short play, at least the phoenix is ​​like this. I lived in Phoenix for seven years, I want to use my understanding of the Phoenix play, to share with you the different length of time, how to play in the Phoenix? Half day, one day, can play!
Ancient Town
The most Raiders take you to play all over the ancient city of Fenghuang in Hunan and the surrounding
Phoenix, a name beauty, the scenery more beautiful place. This was a famous writer in New Zealand, Louis Alley praised China's most beautiful town built in the Qing Emperor Kangxi years. As "Pearl of Western Hunan," it really is the name of its "small", as small as the city only a decent street, but it is a green corridor. Along the city wall, after the Yang Ancestral Hall, through the former residence of Shen Congwen, read the ancient city museum, slowly sink in this ancient city. Do you want to come here to see it? Do you have any questions? Let me explain it in detail for you.