Where do kids play in summer? To Beijing will be a great gain!

Summer vacation has come, do not want to take this holiday to bring children to Beijing to relax, add about knowledge? And the babies in front of the textbooks in the attractions, feel the highest Confucian culture atmosphere, Beijing will let the children a great gain! As for the annoying traffic and accommodation problems how to solve, do not worry, I am here for you one by one to come.

One, all kinds of attractions, let the children an eye-opener!

Take a look at the magnificent ancient buildings

[The Forbidden City] known as "the world's top five palace", is China and the world's most complete preservation, the largest wooden structure of ancient buildings. This magnificent structured building, carved with the most real history, the collection has many treasures of treasures, so be sure to have a tour guide to explain to the children in detail, you can also spend 20 yuan to rent a solution, you can automatically induction to explain, but also There are Mandarin version, Cantonese version, children's version, story version of the explanation, the form is very rich, the export office can be returned.

① 11 o'clock and 14 o'clock every day watch the clock show, tickets 10 yuan, with children to know a variety of rare watches is also a very good experience.
② Imperial Palace tickets: off-season 40 yuan / person, high season (April - October) 60 yuan / person, do not include treasures and watches and clocks. Large, medium and primary school students can purchase student tickets with student ID, 20 yuan / person.
③ daily opening time is 8: 30-12: 00, stop the ticket time is 11:00, stop the ticket time is 11:10, closing time is 12:00.

① In addition to statutory holidays and summer, the National Palace Museum throughout the year to implement Monday closed all day measures.
② in the summer vacation and other tourist peak, with the children line up to buy a headache. It is recommended in advance online booking the Imperial Palace electronic tickets, when the direct access to the ID card can be entered.
③ visit the Forbidden City generally takes half a day, time is abundant, you can slow down the pace so that the child's feelings more profound. But should pay attention to the Forbidden City where the supply of food less, before the best point to eat a little child to fill the stomach.

[Great Wall] As the saying goes, "less than the Great Wall of non-hero", Badaling Great Wall is the Great Wall to save the most complete section of the terrain, is the military strategist over the years. In addition, the Badaling Great Wall at the foot of the primary school textbooks in Zhan Tianyou presided over the construction of the "people" shaped rail, with children and then look back again China's outstanding patriotic engineer Zhan Tianyou how to overcome the difficulties, the successful construction of Beijing to Zhangjiakou This railway.

① Badaling Great Wall tickets for the off-season 35 yuan / person, the peak season (April - October) 40 yuan / person, students with student card can enjoy 25 yuan discount tickets. Badaling cable car one-way for 100 yuan / person, from 140 yuan / person; Great Wall Museum tickets free of charge.

① Zhan Tianyou presided over the construction of the suburbs of Beijing is now the railway line S2, the train arrived in Qinglongqiao West Station will stop, and then through the "people" shaped rail, back to the Badaling station. But the flow of people, the need for one or two hours ahead of the queue, it is recommended to go to Deshengmen take 877 road or 919 bus to.
② Beijing day tour of the phenomenon is very serious, to Badaling Great Wall play must not arbitrarily choose such a tour group. With children travel recommendations in the ant cell nest and other online platforms to choose a quality of the parent-child protection.
③ some parts of the Great Wall is steeper, many people in the season, we must look at the child, to prevent injury or lost.

[Yuanmingyuan] composed of Yuanming, Changchun, Qiyun three parks, is the Qing emperor in 150 years to create and operate a large royal palace, but unfortunately in the late 19th century brutal of the Anglo-French coalition and burned, leaving only 2 % Less than. Let the children and the ruins of these close contact, so "do not forget national shame" patriotism education may be more in-depth heart.

Yuanmingyuan gate tickets 10 yuan / person, with student card can enjoy half price. West Building site scenic area (including flood law, exhibition hall, maze) 15 yuan / person, Yuanmingyuan Shengshi panoramic model exhibition 10 yuan / person.

① Yuanmingyuan core scenic area is the Western House site area, if the time is not particularly abundant, it is recommended by the Yuanmingyuan south gate that is Qi Chunyuan door to enter the north to the entrance to the West Building site, from west to east to visit the West Tower site area Yuanmingyuan East Gate Park.

2. to visit a visiting ancient and modern school

Confucius Temple, Confucius Temple Confucius Temple is second only to Qufu Confucius Temple, the second largest place to worship Confucius, there are traditional rituals "big ritual music" performance, the children here can revisit the ancients how to study, study, cultural special Heavy. The Imperial College is the highest administrative institution and the highest institution established by the state. There are a so-called gantry, and many parents will take their children to try their best.

Confucius Temple and the Imperial College tickets for the 30 yuan / person, college students with student documents can enjoy half price concessions, primary and secondary students with student ID and 1.2 meters below the children free tickets.

Confucius is the farmer

① these two spots from the Lama Temple very close, you can take the Metro Line 2 and Line 5 in the Lama Temple Station, you can also visit the Lama Temple.
② Confucius Temple is a solemn worship of the land, if the dress is not the whole dress or slippers, may be prohibited into the inside.

[Tsinghua University] China's most famous university, in the hearts of students who are not known. Tsinghua campus's main attractions are near Chunyuan, Shuimu Tsinghua, auditorium, Tsinghua school, two school doors, etc., can be from the Simon into the clockwise one by one visit. Near the spring of the small lake filled with lotus, Zhu Ziqing's "Lotus Pond Moonlight" is written here. Take the children here to see, this spring garden lotus can give your child also bring a little inspiration?

Weekends, legal holidays and school holidays during the summer morning 8: 30-11: 30, 13: 30-16: 30 pm open, subject to personal valid documents into the school to visit.

Tsinghua University by sea flame

① Tsinghua University, the white dome of the two school gate is the famous attractions of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University is located in the south side, you can take children here to take pictures as a souvenir.
② visit the route: Simon → near spring garden (Hawthorn) → Shuimu Tsinghua → auditorium → Tsinghua school → two school gate → Simon. Other areas are not open to the outside world.

【Peking University】 Here is the birthplace of the "New Culture Movement" and "May 4th Movement", which is the center of the Yuanmingyuan, west of the campus, west of the Summer Palace, is a Chinese style of the royal garden of the century. Unnamed Lake and Boya Tower is a famous attraction on the campus. Peking University is only open to visitors. It is only necessary to enter the tour with ID card or account.

3. swing the oars into the park

[Summer Palace] This includes the Renshou Hall as the center of the political activity area, Yu Lan Tong, Lok Shou Tong as the main body of the emperor live area and to Wanshou Hill and Kunming Lake composed of scenic tourist area. To the Summer Palace and children with a cruise, you can go along the Cixi waterway to Zizhuyuan, Zoo and other attractions. In addition, the cruise on the professional lecturer will be the Summer Palace as the story of the Chinese classical garden of the story of his right, let the children in the way of the tour also followed up about knowledge.

 Summer Palace Park tickets for the 20 yuan / person, coupons (including park tickets and Park Park tickets) for 50 yuan / person; season (4 - October) park tickets for 30 yuan / person, coupons for 60 yuan / person The Park tickets can enjoy half-price concessions by student card, because the coupon does not have student price, can be purchased separately.

① to the Summer Palace can take the Metro Line 4 in the North Gate Station D mouth can be reached, walk about 300 meters to reach the north gate of the Summer Palace.
② scenic spots have a lot of travel guide recommended, but many are not professional tour guides, must be through the formal channels to buy guide service Oh

[Beihai Park] is one of the oldest and most preserved royal gardens in our country. It is divided into four major blocks of the north shore area, the east coast area, the Qiongdao scenic area and the Mission City scenic spot. The main attractions are concentrated in the north shore area. "The sea reflects the beautiful white tower" depicts the scenery of the North Sea Park. Beihai Park not only can see Beijing only a few blocks of Kowloon wall, or a good place to spend flowers, every year from July to August there will be a lotus show, is a good place to relax.

① Beihai Park off-season tickets for 5 yuan / person, coupon for 15 yuan / person, season (April - October) tickets for 10 yuan / person, coupon for 20 yuan / person. Joan Island tickets 10 yuan / person, Mission City for 1 yuan / person.
② boating in the North Sea is a very good choice, hire a 4-foot boat for 60 yuan / hour, battery boat for 80 yuan / hour.

Baita is located in Qiongdao, Qiong Island, there are Qingfeng buns shop, protect the country temple snacks, can solve the food problem.

Second, the characteristics of food, so that children enjoyable!

Speaking of Beijing's specialty cuisine, a wide variety, while the food snack shop is a few to come. Famous Beijing cuisine where to eat? To follow our local people can not be wrong!

[Beijing roast duck] cortex crisp, outside the coke tender, duck fat but not greasy, by adults and children like. Beijing roast duck commonly used to eat is accompanied by sweet sauce, radish and cucumber strips, with lotus leaf curling duck. As for the most authentic roast duck, in addition to the most famous Quanjude and cheap Square, Dafeng roast duck and gold million duck shop we often go to Beijing.

[Old Beijing noodles] as a unique Beijing cuisine - the old Beijing noodles, the essence of which is the fried sauce. Fried sauce must match the right, the meat are fat and fat are all, the furnace also need to grasp the uniform, such a fried sauce have authentic old Beijing taste. However, in Beijing, must be recommended to the sea bowl home, only here the most complete dish code, Maotai full.  

Old Beijing noodles by leaning against the window

[Old Beijing shabu mutton] on behalf of the old Beijing flavor of the boiled mutton hot pot, taste is the bowl of sauces. The general soup is relatively light, the meat is tender and no smell of mutton mutton rinse rinse, and then dip a special modulation of the sauce, memorable. Recommended Donglishun Shabu mutton hot pot and the treasure source shabu mutton hot pot, east to follow the hundred years old signs, in Beijing there are more than 20 stores.  

Old Beijing Shabu mutton by Cui Xiaobao toni

Third, the cool travel, travel traffic how to choose?

[Public transport] Beijing's public transport is very developed, you can do a Beijing bus card to facilitate travel. In Beijing, any one subway station can pay 20 yuan deposit for a bus card, bus and subway general, bus can also enjoy 50% discount. Go back when the card will refund the deposit to you, do not worry.

Beijing as a famous "block city", a wide range of attractions, in the morning and evening when the peak is not recommended to travel by public transport, or need to reserve a very long inquiry, looking for road, waiting time, and with the child crowded The bus is simply suffering, travel experience will be greatly reduced. And in Beijing taxi costs are relatively high, in case of traffic jams can only look at the fare dry stare, so chartered is the best choice. But the market is also more black cars, the price is uneven, chartered master familiar with the degree of Beijing is also different, it is recommended through travel agencies or online travel platform chartered, models more complete, the driver experienced, safe and secure.

Four, dazzling, with children how to stay?

1. Economy hotel

Regardless of what kind of standard hotel selection, the best accommodation in the ring, it is recommended that you live in the second ring, this will be a lot easier. The area can be recommended to choose between the front door or the Drum Tower, or walk to the subway station. General chain hotel one night the cost of 200-300 yuan, like Jinjiang Inn (front door), 100 hours fast (Tiantan shop), Han Ting all seasons hotel (Dongdian shop) are good.

Star hotel

If you want to take the children to see the flag, you can choose to live in Beijing International Hotel , it is in Chang'an Street, from the [Palace] and [Tiananmen Square] are less than 1000 meters, very close, suitable for family travel.
If you want to take the children to the Beijing Zoo, you can live near the new century JAL , from the subway near, sit on the 4th line can be direct [the Summer Palace], [Tsinghua University], [Peking University], [Yuanmingyuan] Tourist attractions, and breakfast downstairs is also very affordable, almost 10 yuan in this five-star hotel to eat a sumptuous breakfast friends.

If you want to live five-star hotel, then the general booking their own certainly not get the right price, it is recommended that you can buy some travel agents packaged products, they generally have the advantages of private rooms, get the price will be more favorable, so that the bee It is more cost-effective.

Five, custom travel, so that more comfortable travel to their parents!

If you want to ask me the most suitable way to parent-child travel, I will say custom travel. Although the parent-child group than the ordinary tour group and scattered group more thoughtful, but there will still be a fixed trip, time is not free, with the group is not private and other inconvenience, and specifically for themselves and their children to build a summer tour of Beijing Sounds more! The trip is their own set, the time is their own arrangements, trivia are to travel agents, their confidence to play! Completely in accordance with their own ideas and needs to customize the travel, only you and your child's travel will be more impressive. Customized travel will provide you with:

1. Highest quality travel accommodation

Travel customists based on their own years of experience in Beijing tourism, to provide you with the combination, travel, shopping, food, price and other comprehensive cost-effective hotel reservations recommended, if you think just a simple hotel on behalf of the booking service, it is wrong The Our custom division relies on the advantages of travel agency rooms, not just to guarantee the lowest price of the whole network scheduled service, you can also use Samsung's price to book four star hotel, four star price book five star hotel, ordinary five star price book international Brand Five Star Hotel. In addition, we are still exclusive Westin, Marriott, Sheraton, Shangri-La, and so ultra-luxury international brand five-star hotel rooms, and even the highest to achieve FIT 5% discount, give you an unexpected VIP surprise experience! Let you know that spend a few hundred dollars in Beijing can live on a five-star hotel.

2. Independent chartered service

The division has a wealth of team experience in Beijing, with five Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen Passat, 7 Buick Business, 9-13 Mercedes-Benz Bread, 19 Caster and other different models of the depth of cooperation and direct marketing to meet the needs of different groups, Station shuttle pick up attractions, along with the walk, would like to stop on the stop, do not have to think about how to the attractions, how to eat, how back to the hotel and all the trouble! Accompanied by a car, the price of a taxi to enjoy the car accompanied.

3. Senior tour guide service, bid farewell to the traditional tour guide to get back to the pit customer model

Custom travel will generally arrange a senior tour guide, what is the difference? Senior tour guide has many years of experience, go all you do not know the way, that you are not know the anecdotes, see you do not know the details. Senior tour guide wages are not dependent on your consumption, earn rebates, but depends on the service of praise. In this mode, the tour guide service will be more perfect, travel and no longer have to worry about the tour guide will take you into the pit ~

Six, concluding remarks

Long summer vacation, take the kids to do something interesting! Pack up the luggage, take the child to start it, follow me to visit Beijing, with the children to do with the colorful traveler!

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