Hunan travel

Ancient Town
Fenghuang town traffic short Raiders (including car anti-fraud matters)
Fenghuang this small town in western Hunan blurred like a dreamy night scene, there are unique Diaojiaoxiang, there is a section of the bluestone street, but also surrounded by soft Tuojiang. How many people it attracts patronage, today I will give a brief description of the traffic in Phoenix.
Ancient Town
Phoenix campfire in the end how to choose?
Fenghuang ancient city is not annoying little town, but its reputation outside every tourist season is full of tourists. If you want to find the traditional Miao characteristics, in today's commercial atmosphere has been somewhat difficult. However, the ancient city of the bonfire party can still make you feel different national characteristics!
Ancient Town
Eight things to do in the ancient city of Phoenix, these places most feel the charm of the town!
Phoenix is ​​a poetic place, where the unique food culture, simple and kind Hmong lady, where exquisite handicrafts are people forget. The first time to Phoenix, how can we experience the most beautiful spots in Phoenix in the shortest time? Now let me tell you that the first time those Phoenix is ​​to experience it!
Ancient Town
Miao village surrounding the ancient city of Phoenix in the end which one? Three Miao villages contrast
Phoenix is ​​a gathering place for ethnic minorities mainly composed of Miao and Tujia ethnic groups. Phoenix is ​​not just to visit the streets inside and outside the ancient city, the rich Miao village outside the city is also not to be missed. In the Miao Village, you can enjoy the unique Miao costumes, experience the national style full of barricades, as well as very interesting card drums, stop road songs, the side of the field and so on, come and enjoy it!
Ancient Town
Phoenix driving the old town, where there is parking? Fenghuang car parking Raiders
With the promotion of popularity and the improvement of people's living standards, traveling by car has become a great way to travel in Phoenix. Phoenix has been traveling by car all know, this is simply the hardest hit by self-driving tour: congestion, parking spaces and other issues. The following analysis for everyone Phoenix parking problem.
Ancient Town
You have a chance to visit a real border town phoenix!
Hong'an Town and the Border Town are located at the junction of Chongqing, Hunan and Guizhou provinces. Hong'an Town is under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Municipality. The border towns (formerly known as Chaya, Chadong) belong to Hunan Province. The two towns are separated by a Qingshui River and Guizhou迓 drive town landscape connected. Shen Congwen's "Border Town" in that poignant love story happened here.
Ancient Town
Phoenix "border town" live performance watch Raiders, teach you how to choose a good seat
"Biancheng" This live performance is a Phoenix tourism card, personally think that if Phoenix did not see the travel, it is like going to Beijing did not go to Tiananmen Square. Since the "border town" so attractive, then the focus of this Raiders talk about the city where the performance, tickets how much money, performance time, booking methods. In my Raiders to explain to everyone.
Ancient Town
How to sleep in the ancient city of Phoenix, their favorite inn?
There are many large and small inn in the ancient city of Fenghuang. According to the location, fame, hardware facilities, etc., where the price of the inn from tens to thousands of prices have. How to pick out your favorite one in so many pubs? There is a lot of learning here. I live in the Phoenix for seven years, familiar with the streets of the ancient city, now for everyone to interpret it from several aspects.
Ancient Town
Where is Phoenix? Teach you a minute to get how to traffic the ancient city of Phoenix
Phoenix, a place located in the junction of Hunan and Guizhou in southwestern China! Many of my friends plan to come to Phoenix for a long time. However, they have a long way to go to the Phoenix or need a transfer and transfer. Here I will teach you all the best, a minute to get traffic to the ancient city of Phoenix, easy to Phoenix!
Ancient Town
Phoenix local people teach you how to spend in the ancient city of Phoenix reasonable
Phoenix here misty rain and snow frost snow, mysterious landscape bizarre legend. Please slow down, carefully savor the footsteps of the condensation of history on the wet stone. Although beautiful here, but there are still some unpleasant existence, I will come to you one by one to explain. Only hope you can have a best mood to enjoy this ancient city. After all, here is my hometown, I love her, I also hope that we can really understand her.